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Terms of Consent
These terms of consent regulate the collection of personal data and their subsequent processing, as well as the exercising of rights by their subject under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Any collected data will be processed and stored digitally by the entity responsible for processing, Seasonalpha Lda, S.A.. EThese data will be treated confidentially and will be used to respond to your request made through the form in the contacts area and held in the computer system of the processing manager for the period and purposes stated in the terms of consent. Under the terms of applicable legislation, the personal data subject may request access to, or updating, correction, suspension and deletion of any data referring to the subject, or oppose their processing, and may also exercise their right of portability, in person or by letter or email addressed to: Seasonalpha Lda - Engenharia e Construções, S.A. Morada: Lagoas Park, Edifício 2, 2740-265 Porto Salvo, Oeiras, Portugal Email:
If the data subject believes that the processing of the personal data referring to him/her violates the GDPR, he/she may file a complaint with the National Control Authority: CNPD - Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (e-mail:; postal address: Av. D. Carlos I, 134 – 1º 1200-651 Lisboa).
UntitledI declare that I authorize the processing of my personal data under the aforementioned terms and for the effects of the request/complaint described in the message field, and held in the computer system of the processing manager until the conclusion of the process, plus a one year period.
I declare that I authorize the processing of my personal data under the aforementioned terms, and their transfer to Seasonalpha Lda Group companies/subsidiaries/branches located outside the European Union, if the matter described in the request/complaints has to be processed at the location where the request/complaint arose. Personal data will be kept in the processing manager’s computer system until the conclusion of the process, plus a period of one year. I also declare that I have been informed of the conditions of the aforementioned transfer under the terms of line a) of item 1 of article 49 of the GDPR (adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards, articles 45 and 46 of the GDPR).
Under the terms of the applicable legislation, the personal data subject may request the withdrawal of the consent that is given, by letter or email addressed to the aforementioned processing manager. This revocation has no retroactive effect. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information about the personal data processing terms and rights of their subjects..
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